Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Election Day Survival

The day started out at 3:30 a.m. when the alarm clock went off and it's now after 10 p.m. and we're scheduled until midnight. Thankfully our election day survival includes a lot of good food and some not so good (healthy) snacks, but hey, whatever it takes to keep going.

Things have been fairly smooth, just a few strange calls but nothing we couldn't handle. I'm ready for this day to be over though.

The great thing about today was I finally got to meet some of the people that I've been talking to on the phone and hiring to work our Central Boards. It's nice to put faces to the voices.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I don't know how you do election days. Those are some seriously long hours. I sure do appreciate the work you do for this state though!



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