Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Watering Can Pens...

I finally got everything together and made my flower pens for my workshops so everyone would have something pretty to write with when they fill out their order forms. We were at Michael's last night and I found these adorable tin watering cans to use instead of clay pots. Much lighter to carry around to workshops too! Isn't this just adorable!?

I had some difficulty with the tape on the pens since it seemed to be super sticky, so after I wraped them up I put some baby powder with cornstarch on my hands and rubbed the pens in my hands to remove the sticky. Seems to be working very well!

I have some more to make tonight, but this gets it started at least. Sorry the picture isn't that great. I left my camera with the good picture at home so I had Jen take a picture with her camera phone and send it to my camera phone. Isn't technology wonderful???

Thanks for looking!


1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely adorable! Such a fresh look compared to the usual terra cotta pots. So very creative of you!!! (And you aren't kidding about technology. How did we exist without the latest???)


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