Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Jean!

This is for a co-worker of mine who loves her coffee... LOL.  The coffee bean bag was a project I learned from my upline leader Rebecca.  It was so much fun to make at her house, that I had to make one tonight for Jean.  I added a coffee cup to this one using my Cricut.  Inside is a Starbucks Card (of course!).

The card is made using paint samples from the hardware store.  Stamping with Whisper White and using a clear emboss powder.  I think she'll really like it.

Thanks for looking!


  1. So cute! I bet Jean loved it! Those coffee beans are just too fun. Hey I recently made a card using a paint chip


  2. Hi Jean -- I love the coffee beans on this project - you mentioned your upline shared how to make them. I've never seen that idea, can you share with me/us? Rene' Tucker


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