Sunday, September 19, 2010

Finally Organized!

This weekend I finally took the time to sort my papers into a better filing system.  I have one for my 12 x 12 DSP (Designer Series Papers) and one for my 8 1/2 x 11 card stock.  I still need more of the plastic tab holders to put my tabs into, but I'll get those this week if I get a chance to find them.  Saw some on Saturday, but they were too short. 

For now, I have them sorted by color families, but not sure I won't change it around a bit.  Excuse the post it notes until I get more tab holders.  LOL

I love the top of the big 12 x 12 box, it has a little storage area for some of my pieces and parts.


  1. I'm so proud of you! I esp. like the color dots ~ very ingenious way of being able to quickly grab exactly what you need. If I keep buying the SU! paper packs I'll have to steal this idea cuz I'm already short on paper storage space!


  2. Let me know and I have a template for the sheet to put them all on. This was one of the first things we made at my first Team Meeting! The dots are punched out of the actual paper to make it easy to see a sample. I love it!

    I knew you'd be proud... lol You are THE most organized person in the entire world! hehe!

  3. I like your 12x12 box, will you share where you found it? I would love something like that. Thanks!
    Rene' Tucker (


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