Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sneak Peek #3 - I love this one!

I think this is my favorite of the four stamps.  I inked the stamp with Old Olive and used my Cherry Cobbler Stampin' Write marker on the flowers and then colored the flowers and stems in with my blender pen and ink from the lid of the ink pads.  Very pretty how it turned out, if I do say so myself! 

Can you tell I love this ribbon technique?  It's so easy to do, even my customers who hate working with ribbon can manage this technique! 

Thanks for peeking in... tomorrow will be Sneak Peek #4... don't forget to check it out!

Happy Stamping!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that's the cutest stamp in the series so far for sure. Please remind me to order it and the punch as well? I'm incredibly forgetful these days but I want those for sure. LOVE the card! Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!



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