Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Wait Is Finally OVER! Ornament Punch Now Available!

For those of you who have been waiting patiently for the Ornament Punch to be available again, the day is finally here!

Ornament Punch Available for Ordering


March 9, 2011

We're happy to announce the Extra-Large Ornament punch (item 119847) is available to order. The quality problems we were experiencing with the punch have been resolved and our supply is ready to go.
Thank you for your patience as we work to provide high-quality products
Purchase your Ornament Punch at my Stampin' Up Online Store.

The possibilities are endless with this punch.  It's not just for Christmas, it's great for vases, backgrounds and creating cute people and animals.  Use your imagination and think "outside the punch".

Happy Crafting!


  1. Oooh...I can imagine some really creative cards made using this punch! I'm adding it to my wish list for sure!


  2. I'm liking your wish list... LOL. I'll bring an order form with me this weekend when we come to visit . ;)


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