Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back Yard is Blossoming

Spring is Blossoming in my back yard as well as at Stampin' Up!  I've had my rose garden 2 years this May and my goodness, it looks like it's going to be a beautiful garden this year.

Here is the first blossom of the year.  Isn't it beautiful?  My Mom loved roses and especially the beautiful red ones, so when I picked this one out - I picked it out for her.  It's only fitting it was the first to blossom.  The name is "Black Cherry" and it is a rose tree.  The 2nd picture shows how much it opened in just one day.

The pretty pink one before is called "Outta the Blue" - not sure why as it has no blue in it... lol.  It was the first rose bush purchased by my youngest son Robert when he decided we would bring Grandma's rose garden back to life. 
 This is what the garden looks like this year.  There are three missing from the original 10 that we had in there.  I may replace one of them, but otherwise, I think it will be too crowded to walk around much since they've grown so full.

This shows how small the plants were when we first started out in 2009.  I'm loving the results more this year than ever.  I'll be sure to post when they are all blossomed and fragrant.

Thank you for peeking in.  Now, off to make some cards and keep the washing machine and dryer going with another project I'm working on... the linen closet!  Yikes!

Happy Sunday!



  1. How beautiful the roses are...and with such a sweet touching story to go with them! And just think what your little rose garden will look like in a few years when everything matures.

    Oh, funny coincidence. Be sure not to overplant the rose bed. I was just reading yesterday that roses need good air circulation in order to thrive. I just planted my very 1st rose bush ~ a gift from some dear friends. Can't wait to see what color it is!


  2. Good to know, not to overplant. I wouldn't be able to get around inside if I did.

    I can't wait to see what color your roses are too. Didn't it have a tag on it? Be sure to let me know!



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