Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Birthday Cards and Cake

This week is my birthday, not just one day, but this week... may as well get all the celebrating in as possible, right?  On Tuesday our office held a celebration for all the May Birthdays with food and cards and gifts. 

Of course, all my Stampin' Girls made cards and I wanted to share them here.  BUT... before I share those, I have to share one that is probably the most precious.  One from my hubby, HAND MADE all by himself.  I have to say, I'm very proud and it's all using Stampin' Up products.  LOL  Cupcake Punch and the Heart to Heart Punch!  WTG hubby!

Here are the cards from the girls.  I think they are all fabulous!!!

And the CAKE!  My daughter Jennifer made this beautiful cake for me.  She's really getting into making and decorating cakes and I think she's really captured my love of Stampin' Up flowers and decorating here! 

I think we need to make this a challenge and make a card using the colors from the samples below.  I'd say the closest SU! colors would be Whisper White, Tempting Turquoise, Concord Crush (though the fondant isn't quite as dark as that) and Melon Mambo.  Are you up to the challenge???  LOL

Inside, the top layer is lemon with lemon and cream cheese between the layers and the bottom is chocolate with buttercream and... oh my gosh, I forget what she put in the middle... (old-timers kicking in!), but it was AWESOME.  Very moist!

Thank you to everyone who celebrated my birthday with me!  It was awesome and it's not over yet since I get to go to lunch with my son's tomorrow to celebrate yet again, plus having the girls over tomorrow night for our Stamp a Stack.

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Wow...looks like you had a great birthday! The cake is so colorful & pretty, and all the cards you received are just lovely! Happy Birthday again!



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