Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Say Goodbye... Here is the Last Chance List

Well, it's finally here... you can see the Last Chance list now on my Stampin' Up Website. 

If there is anything on the list that you want, I recommend ordering it right away from my website so that it doesn't sell out before our Anniversary / Last Chance Open House on June 11th.  Since that workshop is being hosted by me, I'm not concerned with meeting any hostess goal at the party, so don't feel like you need to wait for the party to order something that is on the Last Chance list.  I'd hate to see you miss out.

I will also be placing my pre-order for the new 2011-12 Catalogs.  You can obtain a pre-order price of $5.00 by letting me know before the Open House on June 11th. 

Happy Shopping... I'm going to place an order NOW!

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