Saturday, August 20, 2011

Berta's Workshop

Today was Berta's workshop and I think we're going to sign her up for all of them!  Her husband was there with their three boys.  When he wasn't playing with the kids, he was our bartender.  Yum!  I was good and stuck with my Starbucks Very Berry Hibiscus and Black Tea mix but some of the girls enjoyed his mixing handiwork.  We may have to hire him out for all our workshops! 

Berta had a good turn-out and ended up with TWO half-priced items plus loads of free products which pretty much took care of her wish list.  Great Job Berta!  I should have taken a picture of all the food she made up for us.  If you went home hungry, it was your own fault.  

I did get a couple of pictures of the girls in action though.

Here's Mary and Brittney:

Brittney, Marie and Christina

Barbie and Kristi.
 Missing is another Mary (chasing her little one) and Berta (probably putting finishing touches on the goodies she served).

We also had a couple of outside guests that would have to wait for the girls to leave, but here are two of the sweetest pups, ok one isn't a pup, but rather a giant, but still sweet as can be, that you will see.

Tomorrow is Team Meeting so off to put the finishing touches on my swaps and I'm bringing snacks tomorrow, so I better get working on those too!

Hope you had a great day!  Create something fun this weekend!

~ Donna

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