Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Eeeek!!! A Mouse!!

I spotted this today on Splitcoast Stampers and instantly fell it love with it.  Thanks to Lynn Pratt for the inspiration!  I did add a little to our friend, he simply needed some ears, so I looked at my punches and found the perfect one.

The paper is Baja Breeze for the sky and Garden Green for the grass.  The sun was punched from Daffodil Delight using the 1 3/4" Scallop Circle and then turning it just a tad and punching it a 2nd time.  Ask me how, I'll be happy to share the technique. 

The plastic for the "mouse" is from an adhesive refill package.  He's filled with shredded Basic Gray cardstock that was run through the Paper Crimper (101618) first and then I cut it into shreds and crumpled it up a bit more. 

The ear was punched from the Blossom Petals Builder Punch (121808).  I free-handed the tail (several attempts) and the nose (several more attempts!).  They eye was punched from the Owl Builder Punch (118074).

This little guy will be for a gal at work that just "loves" mice.... oh, make that "doesn't love" mice.  We tend to have them scamper around our office from time to time whenever there's a bit of construction in the area, and of course they always find the people that like them the least.

So, tomorrow is her birthday and I just couldn't resist... I know, I'm terrible, but the temptation was just too strong.  haha! 

I hope you enjoy this great card.  Isn't it amazing the creativity of crafters... I only wish I'd thought of it! 

Have a great day!



  1. Perfect! Tammy must love it.

  2. She actually did! I was afraid she might not, but she did enjoy it because it wasn't alive! :)


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