Saturday, September 3, 2011


So, have you checked out the Holiday Mini yet?  How long is your wish list... mine is still growing, but that's okay there's just so many fun things to choose from.

Here's one I made today and I really love how this turned out.  I actually got the idea from the Regional last weekend in Henderson.  Mine is a simple version, but that's what suits me most of the time.

I stamped the "star" from the stamp Set - The Sounding Joy (121967 - w / 121979 - c) in Cherry Cobbler ink on Very Vanilla cardstock, then stamped "Joy" with VersaMark and then sprinkled it with Stampin' Emboss Gold (109129) and used the Heat Tool (100005) to emboss the gold powder.  I also rubbed the edge of the cardstock along the VersaMark and embossed it with gold embossing powder.  The Very Vanilla is layered on Cherry Cobbler with a band of Cherry Cobbler from the Regals Patterned Designer Series Paper stack (117154).  On the side I added a bit of the new 3/8" Quilted Satin Ribbon (124105) and a bit of the Victoria Crochet Trim (118481) attached with a gold brad.

I really love the way the gold emboss brightens up the front of the card.  Everything looks better embossed, don't you think?

So, have a great LONG weekend and create something beautiful!

~ Donna

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