Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Making Cards as Gifts

I've really enjoyed some great card making time this weekend and the last two days having some time off for shopping and creating as well.  I still need to make some more and I have a couple of birthdays coming up that I want to make something special for so that will be my next adventure.

Linda, don't let "you know who" see these... haha!

The brown and yellow cards still need sentiments on them or maybe just inside.  I haven't decided yet.  Could just be plain cards to use for notes.

It's always good to have a helper when your crafting, don't you think?  This is Moki.  She's usually very skittish, but she's warming up to being around us more and more.  Then there's somedays where she loves to just hang out with me no matter where I am.  As I type this, she's over on the cable box taking a nap about 2 feet away from me.

Ok, I'm off to create some more cards for my card gift-set and for the birthdays that will be here before I'm ready!

Have a great day!  It's raining in Phoenix and I'm loving every minute of it!

~ Donna


  1. HEY!!! There's my recently received birthday card! Lol...I just loved it. Thank you for taking the time to create something so lovely...hugs!

  2. LOL - glad to do it. It's so much more fun making cards for someone special! Happy Happy Birthday to you!


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