Thursday, February 23, 2012

Phoenix Regionals - More Pictures to Share

I thought I'd share some more pictures from the Phoenix Regional a couple of weeks ago.  I just love the paper used on so many of these.  It's so bright and cheerful and perfect for bright beautiful birthday cards.

A lot of the paper used on these cards is from the Occasions Mini Catalog - Sweet Shop - 125408.  Click on the pictures for a larger view of the photo boards here.

I hope you enjoy the pictures from Regionals. 

Enjoy your weekend.  It will be a busy weekend for me working my real job.  haha... Matter of fact, all week will be long hours at the office so may not have a chance to post much this week but I'll post when I can.

Have a great one!

~ Donna


  1. OH MY SQUEALLLL one of my cards, an original design is on the first photo board you posted. I hung it on the line at Leadership and I am so excited to see SU posted it. YEAH!!! Okay... taking deep breaths now.

    Meg (madameplushbottom @ SCS)

  2. OH MY SQUEALLLL one of my cards, an original design is on the first photo board you posted. I hung it on the line at Leadership and I am so excited to see SU posted it. YEAH!!! Okay... taking deep breaths now.

    Meg (madameplushbottom @ SCS)

  3. Meg, That's WONDERFUL!! Which one is yours??? How fun to see your design on the sample boards! Wooo hooo!



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