Monday, March 12, 2012

Just a quick post tonight as it's been a very long afternoon.  Hubby's Aunt hasn't been feeling well and ended up at the doctor today, but she was too weak to go from there.  When he arrived to pick her up the doc wanted her taken to the ER to be checked out and put on an IV.  She's been unable to keep foods down and is dehydrated.  After hours of waiting they finally got her hooked up to an IV and have decided to keep her overnight for a couple of nights - seems she has an infection that's going to need treatment.

So, tonight's card was made by Linda.  She CASE'd it from France Martin "Frenchie" here.  We just love listening to and watching Frenchie's videos and great ideas!  It's hard to see but she used the Spritzer Tool to add some additional green around the card.  I think it came out great!

Well, off to bed, Election Day tomorrow and I just know I'm going to have a hard time unwinding early to get some sleep!

Happy Monday!

~ Donna

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