Saturday, May 26, 2012

Operation Write Home

What a great day today!!  A few of us got together and ended up making 100 cards to send to Operation Write Home.  This is an amazing organization that has sent over One Million cards to our Servicemen and Servicewomen so that they can send home a nice card to family and friends while they are away.

Today wouldn't have been nearly as successful as it was without Linda putting together pre-cut and pre-punched packets so that all the girls had to do was assemble!  Thank you LINDA and thank you for lunch too, it was yummy!

Here are some pictures from today.  More pictures are available on my facebook page - Donna Kish - not my Stamps Well With Others facebook page.  Since the cards were made with non-SU products, this was not an SU event, just a way to use up some old papers.  You'll recognize the stamps as SU, can't resist using them! 

If you have some friends that you can gather together to make cards for this wonderful organization, I highly recommend it.  It was fun and I can hardly wait to get them mailed off and start making more for our next adventure!

Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend and remember to honor those for whom this weekend is all about.  Barbeques and Picnics with family are a wonderful thing, but be sure to remember the reason we have this weekend to be with our loved ones and honor those who have died for our freedom!

~ Donna

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