Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Frosty Friends

Aren't these little guys just adorable?  I love them and they are so easy to color and bring to life.

Just a little bit of ink from the lid of your stamp pad and one of our Blender Pens to give the snowmen a little color and background.  I also used our Stampin' Write Markers to add color to their hats, scarves, and accessories.

Stamp Set:  Frosty Friends (available August 1st from the Holiday Mini)
DSP:  Be of Good Cheer (126896)
Cardstock:  Gumball Green and Cherry Cobbler
Ribbon:  Cherry Cobbler 1/2" Seam Binding

I think I'll go color some more of these little guys.  I just love bringing them to life!

Happy Stamping!
~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that stamp and I just may have to order it when it's available. Thinking how much faster my Christmas cards would go with such fast & easy coloring :)


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