Sunday, August 19, 2012

Creative Ghoulish Weekend

We had a really fun workshop on Saturday.  We even had a couple of new girls join us and the creativity was really flowing!!  I was so tickled to see all the alterations to the original sample I gave them.  See what you think.

This first one show's my sample on the left with the black behind the Frightening Feline and on the right is Rose's version.  Don't you love the look?  She even reversed the spider and the Tangering Tango spider looks really cool in real life.  Pictures just never do it justice.

Here we have Brittney's version of the glassine bag and the smaller bag we made.  Take a close look at the witchy.  She's got a cute little handbat.... (no, not a typo, I didn't mean  She stamped the little bat and then fussy cut the head out and clipped off the wings making it a cute little purse! 

Here's a close up.  You can also see she cut out the hat and hat band to give more color.  Don't you just love the Googlie Eyes everywhere?  They are so much fun to play with and are available in the Holiday Catalog for a smokin' price!  Self adhesive and easy to use.

Here we have Jen's bags.  She used a bit of Basic Gray to bring out the spider web embossing folder. She also fussy cut the bat and lifted him up with a dimensional.

So cute!

I really love the one eyed cyclops Ghost here.  Isn't he just the cutest!!!

Thank you girls for such a fun day of crafting, well, a fun afternoon anyway, since most of us had to work the morning at our real jobs.  LOL

Happy Haunting!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping to make these for my granddaughter's class. I love the googly eyed ones ~ so cute!


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