Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pac Man Improved!

I just love the girls in my stamping group.  They always have great ideas to share and then I can share them with you.

When I first made this, I really wasn't working on too much sleep, so it was pretty plain.  After I finished I started thinking of improvements and the girls agreed.  Thanks Berta and Brittney for your input.  I think this is so much better.

The little ghosts now have Googlies for eyes, I just LOVE those things, and we've added some dots and some cherries for munching, not to mention a little more creative path.  I changed up the blue from Night of Navy to Island Indigo to brighten it up a bit.  I also added dimensionals under PacMan and under the greeting which also received a color upgrade to Island Indigo.  See my first version here from Sunday.

So, what do you think??  It was fast and easy to make and even with my allergy eyes and blurry vision from too many hours doing too many work related emails.  Gotta love election time, I do!

Don't forget to vote, only a couple of weeks away!!

Time to shut these not so googlie eyes and get some sleep.

Thanks for looking in!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Love those googly eyes. Hope you have gotten a little caught up on your sleep!


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