Sunday, December 2, 2012

Organizational Idea

If you're like me, you have to have things out where you can see them to use them.  If I stash things away I forget about them and they just don't get used.  One of my favorite new tools to use are the Piercing Pack Templates.  Now, I know they aren't NEW new, we had the smaller one before, but these newest ones are so much fun and go with so many of our stamps and framelits.

So I thought of a way to keep them out of the package and into view where they will have easy access and be used more often.  As a matter of fact, I'm making my Christmas Cards with them.  (See tomorrow's post - hint, hint.)

I used my Crop-a-dile and punched a 3/16" hole in the corner and put them all onto a key ring (the kind that snaps open) for easy removal.  The ring hangs nicely on my cabinet door next to my table.  I also used a Sharpie to mark the name of the set each one came from including the item number for easy ordering.

What do you do with your Paper Piercing Templates?  I'd love to hear how you store and use yours.

Happy Stamping!


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