Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Watercolor Winter Revisited

Ok, so it was just yesterday that I posted Watercolor Winter, but in assembling my cards I found that I ran out of Cherry Cobbler card stock, so I put some of them on Gumball Green (great idea Brittney, thanks!).  I really like how it makes the Gumball Green pine jump out even more!

I also discovered that Dazzling Diamonds don't stay on with just VersaMark.  I should have known that ... so next batch of these I make will be using the Heat and Stick Powder (100625).

~ Donna


  1. This is beautiful Donna! LOVE your blog and love your Christmas creations! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Thank you Lorri! You've been my inspiration for years! I'm so excited to be the newest member of your team!

    Hugs! Donna

  3. These are so cute! Love using Watercolor Winter for the branches!

  4. Thank you Fran! Glad you peeked in. They do make great branches don't they?


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