Thursday, February 21, 2013

Stampin' Emboss the Keurig Way

How do you store your Stampin' Emboss Powders and Glitter?  Well this is how I'm storing mine and I am thrilled with it!  We actually spotted this on Mary Fish' website when a friend suggested it to her.  The jars fit perfectly and it will hold up to 27 of them.  I even have room for my retired ones (notice the bright green sticker?) and there's room for more.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my eyes have a terrible time finding the name on each of those little lids without searching.  I can read them fine, but why search when you can use a label maker and make them bigger, right?  You can see I wrote it on with a black Sharpie, but it looked horrible, so I labeled instead, so much nicer.  

Now... for something really different!

Phoenix Arizona had SNOW - okay, some people are calling it Graupel also known as "soft hail" - but it looks enough like snow to us.  

This first picture is from 3rd Street and Osborn which is just down the road from us (I'm at 32nd Street). 

I'm not sure where this is in the Phoenix area, but isn't it beautiful?

This snowman is even closer to my house than the one on 3rd and Osborn.  It's at 44th and Thomas!  Hubby said we didn't have any, but I think he just didn't look outside when it was happening.  LOL 

This is Camelback Mountain.  If you could see the whole mountain, you'd see that it does look like a camel sitting low on the ground, but from this side you can see the Praying Monk, the bump on the far left as you look at the picture.  I can see this mountain from my house, so once again, snow near us, but no one at home saw it.  *sigh*.

Well, that's the excitement around here for Wednesday.  Beautiful pictures you can see on several websites, but you can see some great ones on ABC15 if you want to look at more.  I know the snowbirds looking in won't want to see them, but it is fun to see snow on a saguaro cactus!  

Happy Thursday!


  1. If I ever put embossing powder in one of those my hubby would surely drink it sleepy-eyed one morning :/

    He LOVES his Keurig

  2. LOL Danita, you'd definitely have to keep it in the craft room and not in the kitchen! We love our Keurig too!


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