Sunday, February 10, 2013

Stampin' Up! Heat Tool

How many of you have found creative ways to use our Stampin' Up! tools for something not related to paper crafts?  Have you ever used the heat tool to remove window glazing?  Well, we did!  

This would be why there are no cards to post on Saturday. We've had a window that's been needing replacement, for longer than I want to admit to, and after calling for estimates to have it replaced, we decided that was ridiculous and we would do it ourselves.  After all, I've helped my Dad do it numerous times, granted, it was over 30 years ago, but I knew I could manage it.

Who knew window glazing could bake into a window frame and refuse to come out?  One of the suggestions was to use a heat gun or blow dryer to make it easier, so of course we grabbed my SU Heat Tool and you know what?  It did help!  Here's hubby heating it up while I gave my hands a rest from hammering at the chisel.

Here it is mostly chiseled completely out.  We had a bit more scraping to do and had to take the glass back to ACE Hardware to make it a tad smaller.  The window frame wasn't exactly true.  Yikes!

And here's the finished product.  Not perfect by any means, but I feel so satisfied knowing I actually DID IT!  Any other windows that need replacing, I think I'll call for a professional.  LOL  Or at least get more professional tools.  Surely they don't use a hammer and chisel to scrap out all the old glazing!

Thankfully we had some great clouds today.  Every time the sun peeked out it was blinding especially since it was behind me and shining onto the window.  Could have probably used more sun putting the glazing in though.  I think it was bordering on being too cold for the stiff putty.

See the pretty sunset in the window, the NEW window?  :)

So, now you can share, how have you used your Stampin' Up! tools in unusual ways?

Happy Sunday!


  1. Great job! Love the idea of using the heat gun for home repairs, lol.

  2. Hey, you just never know when something we use for fun will come in handy! LOL


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