Sunday, March 24, 2013

Little Lambies

At Christmas I made the little Scored Hershey Kisses Christmas Tree by Brenda Quintana and my Mother-in-Law wanted some for her Sunday School ladies group.  She loved them so much that she wanted something cute for Easter.  These adorable little lambs were inspired by Frenchie - France Martin.  The picture below isn't completely finished.  I decided to add a little pearl as a nose after the photo was taken.

This little guy was made by cutting two (2) of the scalloped tags from Two Tags Bigz Die (115954), 1 3/4" Scallop Circle Punch (119854), Previous Small Oval - it was longer and skinny (now retired) - can also use the current Small Oval Punch (120908), Boho Blossoms Punch (119858) and three (3) Word Window Punch (119857) and googly eyes (now retired too).  The ribbon is Regal Rose 1/8" Taffeta Ribbon.

Run one of the Two Tags cuts through the Big Shot using Perfect Polka Dots (117335).  I also put some other paper in Whisper White through and then punched them with the Scallop Circle and Boho Blossom.  Cut off 4 of the little points from the Boho, just cut straight across.  I tried doing it at a curve and it looked terrible.  You'll also need to cut a bit of the oval off so the little face isn't too long.

So, below you'll see 21 little lambs and two Easter Baskets (yet to be filled with goodies) for Mom and Sister-in-law.  The basket also came from Frenchie.  Thanks Frenchie, you have the BEST ideas!!!

I'll show better pictures of the baskets with information about them tomorrow.

Thanks so much for checking in today!  I hope you have a wonderful day!

~ Donna


  1. These are SO adorable. Now I have a twisted version of a nursery rhyme stuck in my head though "Donna had a Little Lamb...".

  2. Soon it will be "Norma had a Little Lamb... " These little lambs are perfect for Mom because we love to tease her about lambs and sheep. When she talks, she talks with her hands a lot and when she says anything about little lambs, she moves her hand across the air, fingers down like little feet and lambs bouncing across the countryside. I just had to choose Lambs!


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