Friday, March 15, 2013

Snowman Makeover

I've never seen the show myself, but if you watch the fashion makeover show "What Not to Wear," you'll get a kick out of this funny video of two Stampin' Up employees doing a makeover on a snowman!! 
Be sure to watch all the way to the end or you will miss an adorable ending and a great idea for buttons!


Thanks for stopping in.  It's Finally Friday!!  

~ Donna


  1. Anna & I are HUGE fans of What Not To Wear so I just had to watch this video. Hilarious take on it! I'll have to share this with her later when she gets here, lol. Thanks for posting this. You gotta admit, he did look a lot better after his Stampin' Up makeover!

  2. He did look so much better after his SU makeover! :)


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