Sunday, April 14, 2013

Soda Pop Trinkets - Take Two

 I promised yesterday that I would show you the other side to the Soda Pop Tops, so, for those of you that missed yesterday so that you don't have to go back in time, here is the front:

and here is the back.  I personalized them by punching more Silver Glimmer paper with the 1/2" Circle Punch (119869) and then stamped the girls' initials with the Simply Serif Mini Alphabet (126360) and then punched that out with the circle punch from the Itty Bitty Shapes Punch Pack (118309) - it equals a 3/8" circle and works perfectly.

Here's a close-up so you can see what I used for the loop.  These are cute little scissor charms I found and way over purchased - let's just say that reading the details on eBay are very helpful so you don't end up with more little scissors than you know what to do with!  HA ha HA!

They were finished off with the little ball-chain keyring chains.  They could also be threaded with a small ribbon, the 1/8" Taffeta Ribbon would be a perfect size for that.

I gave them to the girls Saturday morning at our workshop.  I think they liked them... I hope they did anyway!

Well, another busy day today celebrating my stepdaughter's birthday.  We're off to BBQ at her house with the new BBQ she and her boyfriend are getting for their birthday.  Her birthday was Friday and his is later this month, so it's a two birds kind of day!  :)

Happy Sunday!

God Bless
~ Donna


  1. Adorable! I'm sure they loved them!

  2. Thanks Danita, I think they did. I hope so anyway! I want to make more - they were so easy to do but have so much sparkle for such little time to create.


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