Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Girl Scout Creations / Mother's Day Projects

I apologize for not posting yesterday but was preparing the finishing touches for a great little Mother's Day project with a great group of Girl Scouts - grades 1 through 4.  They were all so sweet and made the project so totally worthwhile.  

JoAnn, thanks for asking us to put this together.  I wasn't sure what to expect, having only gone through being a Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader from 2nd through 8th grade with my own two boys (who are now 31 and 27), but tonight was fun!

Here are some pictures from Monday Night's event.  This was the sample, made by me... 

Now let's see the creativity of the girls.  They each made a gift bag and a card for their Mom's for next Sunday.  See what you think:

I think they all turned out really well!  They had glue sticks to work with, which really was safer than bottles of glue!  LOL and we decided against any stamping, figuring they shouldn't turn up at home with ink all over their fingers and clothes.  Goodness knows we adults have enough trouble keeping our fingers clean when we stamp, can you imagine First Graders with wet juicy ink pads and stamps?    :)

Special (GIANT-SIZED) thanks to Brittney for going with me tonight and helping me with the girls.  She has the perfect knack for working with kids.  She's going to make a great teacher someday!!  Thank you Brittney, I couldn't have done it without you!

I used some soon to be retiring DSP - Fan Fair (126918) and my Fun Flowers Bigz L Die (121812) and of course the Big Shot Machine (113439) for cutting out the flowers and the letters - Typeset Alphabet Bigz (127553).  The bags are from the dollar store, love that place!

Have a great Tuesday!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Those are so sweet! The moms are going to love their gifts this year!


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