Tuesday, May 28, 2013

NEW CATTY coming out soon!!

Only a few days left and the NEW CATALOG is live and ready for your first order!!  (May 31st - beginning at NOON - mountain time.)

If you are a current customer, you should already have your catalog from me.  If you don't have it yet, please let me know so I can check on it for you.  If you've placed an order with me in the past 12 months, either directly with me or through my website, you should have received a catalog. 

If you haven't placed an order with me in the last 12 months, you can still get a FREE catalog, just order from my online store HERE before May 31st and I will send you a new 2013-14 catalog.  Remember, retiring items are only available until June 3rd and some are on a first come, first served basis. 

I would love to have you as my newest customer, however, if you already have a current demonstrator, please order through them so they continue to receive your business.

Orders from the NEW CATALOG can be made beginning May 31st.  Don't delay another day, contact me now so I can get one sent to you!

Happy Shopping!

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