Sunday, May 19, 2013

Operation Write Home

Several of my stamping friends are getting together on May 29th to make cards for two great causes, Operation Write Home and the Mayo Clinic here in the Phoenix area.  One of the girls on our weSTAMP Team works at the Mayo Clinic in the Bone Marrow Transplant Department.  Some of their patients are with them for a long time during treatment, sometimes ending up celebrating birthdays while they are there.  The cards we make will give the nurses and caregivers some nice handmade cards to give to their patients to help make their time there a little more bearable.  On a side note - and I think this is really cool - my oldest son Billy also works at the Mayo Clinic (although he is currently on an assignment in California).  I had no idea when I joined weSTAMP in December, that I would be stamping with someone that also works at Mayo and then discover she knows my son!  It really is a small world, isn't it?

We will also be making cards for Operation Write Home which sends cards to soldiers serving all around the world.  My team made up a box full of cards last year for them, so we're looking forward to doing this again.  I spent a lot of time on Saturday making up some fast kits that will just need to be assembled on the 29th.  Linda has also been making up kits so we should have a decent amount of cards to do.

Here is one of the cards I'll be assembling.  I have 20 of these ready to go.  The sentiments can change, although I've already pre-stamped 20 Happy Birthday sentiments.

Stamps Well With Others Recipe:

  • Card Stock:  Very Vanilla (5 1/2" x 4 1/4") and (5 1/4" x 4")
  • Emboss the smaller Very Vanilla with the Stripes Embossing Folder (123128)
  • Card Stock:  Island Indigo (3" x 2")
  • DSP:  Retired (2 7/8" x 1 7/8")
  • Card Stock:  Lucky Limeade (4" x 2 1/2") - Snip a flag end either with your square punch, or by finding the center and then snipping in from the corners to the center.
  • Stamps:  Create a Cupcake (w-128520 / c-121982)
  • Ink:  Island Indigo
  • Tools:  Large Oval Punch (119855), Scallop Oval (119856)

If you'd like to make cards for Operation Write Home, check out their website here for all the details.  Even if you don't want to make large quantities of cards, they're always looking for Any Hero Cards where you can send a card to "Any  Hero" with a supportive message.  

Thank you for looking in today.  I hope you have a wonderful day!

~ Donna


  1. Totally awesome good deeds you've been doing lately, my dear bestie. With all this charitable cardmaking you've ben racking up some seriously good Karma! Keep up the good work :)

  2. Good Karma or not, I'm having a blast making the cards! Sometimes I need the inspiration - plus the excuse to stay at my craft table and not sit staring at the t.v. with the hub. ;) where I usually just drift off. LOL

  3. I'm SO LOOKING forward to our evening together, and for a good cause to boot! You are going to get sick of me! LOL Thanks for a great post Donna! LOVE your card, it is a great card for either cause! So blessed to have you on my team... <3


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