Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Technique Tuesday - Piercing Pattern

Have you ever checked out the blog at Stampin' Up?  There's always something great to learn from there from some very talented people.  Check out yesterday's Technique Tuesday below!

Thanks for looking in today.  I hope you have a great middle of the week!



Are you a fan of our paper-piercing tools? I know I am. I love that the templates are a quick and accurate way to add a bit of pattern and texture, and that they are designed to coordinate with so many of our punches and Framelits Dies.
The Essentials Paper-Piercing Pack has all of the basics. I used the template with the straight lines and the scallops to make my project, but I didn’t want just straight lines or scallops. I wanted the background of my card to be circles. 

I could have used the template with the circles on it, but that would have been tedious and a bit more difficult getting the same circle lined up over and over again. Instead, I used the biggest scallop to make my circles.
Here’s how I did it:

  1. Draw a line down the center of your cardstock with a pencil, then line up the holes at the tips of the scallop along the line and pierce the scallop.

 2. Rotate your paper 180 degrees and line up the scallop on the template with the pierced scallop on your paper. Pierce the scallop to complete the circles.

 3. Line up the pierced holes with the template as shown above and pierce the scallop to start the next row of circles. Rotate your paper 180 degrees again and line up the template as shown in step 2. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you’ve filled the entire piece of cardstock with pierced circles.

4. Your cardstock should look like this when you’re done. Erase your pencil line and attach it to a card base; embellish your project as desired.
Have you created any other patterns with the piercing templates? Share a link to your projects. I’d love to see what you’ve been creating!
Melody H.
Concept Artist


  1. Oh that's pretty ~ love the colors & texture!

  2. super cute.... but I don't think I see myself spending that much time poking the little holes. :)

  3. Think of the poking as therapy!!! LOL (you know, for those petition gatherers that can be a thorn.)


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