Saturday, June 15, 2013

Something Completely Different

I just have to share these beautiful pictures with you.  On Friday, I had the day off work and the night before I learned about a place in Scottsdale, AZ called Butterfly World.  So off we went to check it out.

This is the first time I've uploaded my own video, so I hope it works!  (If you are reading this in your email, you'll need to go to my blog to view the video.)

They say there are over 2000 butterflies flying throughout the huge atrium they have there.  I don't know who gets the job of counting them, but I sure wouldn't want to do it!  lol

This one that hubby is holding could only be seen with it's wings closed, unless it was flying - so I hope you can see the video as there are lots of them flying around there.  They have the most beautiful vibrant blue wings I've ever seen.  Just gorgeous!

This beautiful orange one - or one like it - landed on a lady that had this shade of orange shirt and you can see it really likes the matching flowers.  Next time I go, I'm wearing ORANGE!  Funny thing is, when you come in and go out, you have to wait for someone to open the doors that lead to a room in between doors.  When leaving the atrium there's a big mirror on the wall that you have to make sure no escapee's are trying to leave.  I actually had one on my knee that I didn't see, thankfully the caretaker did.

I finally got one on my finger to stay long enough for a picture.  All the other times, they flew away too quickly.

Last but not least... check out these two.  Surrounded by beautiful butterflies and there they sat on the bench, texting or facebooking, or who knows what.  I wanted to yank that ponytail and tell them to just go away.  LOL  They obviously didn't pay the admission price out of their pockets.  Sheesh!

I hope you have a great weekend planned.  Don't forget Father's Day!  My Dad is in Heaven... I miss him like crazy!

Thanks for looking in. 

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Sooo beautiful! Too bad those young girls didn't appreciate it. My daughter, who adores butterflies, went to a place like this, in Georgia I think it was, and she was blown away by the experience. I'll have to let her know about this one in Scottsdale for sure.


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