Monday, July 22, 2013

Celebrating 25 Years of Stampin' Up!

Birthday Party's are so much fun! Saturday was the last day of the Stampin' Up! 2013 Convention and even though I wasn't able to attend, we did manage to celebrate.  

We celebrated 25 Years of Stampin' Up! with some wonderful cookies made by Floured Aprons Bakery.  My very dear friend Vicki (from too many years ago to even mention) and her daughter Jessica, have started this marvelous bakery.  They use family recipes that have been around forever and some of the great flavors I remember growing up when Vicki's Mom was cooking!  Yum!

While most of the girls were working on our projects from today, Brittney was busy working on some adorable invitations to a birthday party for a friend's child.  The stamps are all retired stamps but they turned out so cute, I wanted to share.  After the party, we both worked on finishing them up and hey Danita, we fussy cut the trains!  Aren't you proud - thirty of the little buggers.  LOL

After that was done, Brittney took time to do today's projects but she stepped it up a bit and mixed and matched the colors.  There were three color sets to choose from, Melon Mambo, Bermuda Bay and Pacific Point.  Here she mixed Melon Mambo with Bermuda Bay and added an extra small butterfly to the middle. I think they cam out fabulous!

We never received any rain here and after I turned off the computer last night for posting Saturday's post, there wasn't any more lightning or thunder.  It was very disappointing.  We did have a nice steady rain between 10 p.m. and midnight or so.

Well, that's all for today.  Thanks for stopping by!  Happy Monday!

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. Cute cards, yummy cookies, and OMG on all that fussy cutting, lol. Looks like a good time was had by all!


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