Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thank You For Your Service

On Sunday, June 30, 2013, Arizona lost 19 young men from the Granite Mountain Hotshot Team as they were working to bring a wildfire in Yarnell, Arizona under control.  There was one survivor who was assigned to a different area of the fire and was not with the rest of the team.  My heart breaks for him as much as it does for the families of those who lost their loved ones.  So I knew I wanted to make a card to send to him but wondered what I could possibly make.

After thinking over several ideas, this is what I came up with.  The "fireman" is actually a soldier, I know that, but I think it worked out well.  Sadly, the stamp set is retired, but it was exactly what I wanted.  I altered the shoulder patch a bit and found an Arizona flag instead of the USA flag and made it to match the size. The tree stamp comes from Lovely as a Tree.

The inside stamp is also from a retired set, but it said exactly what I wanted it to say.  My first thoughts were to indicate "Courage" or "Hero" on the card, but I was afraid he wouldn't see himself as a Hero or Courageous and I didn't want to upset him as he heals.  I just wanted him to know we care.

Please keep the brave men and women that are fighting fires all across the country during these hot summer months in your prayers.  Please also pray for those who have lost their sons, fathers, brothers and husbands.

Steve Irwin from ABC 15 News here in Phoenix wrote this Wednesday night on facebook.  I want to share it with you.  I thought it was wonderfully written.

To the families: We stand behind you. We grieve with you. We can't comprehend your sorrow and your pain, and we know nothing will ever fill the void. Yet, even in your grief, you will feel loved. You will be protected. You will draw strength from the goodness and compassion of a new family, and you will re-discover a sense of faith and hope. We cannot take the steps of this journey for you, but we will be there to catch you when you stumble, and we will clear the path ahead. Most importantly, we will never forget. We will honor them by taking stock in ourselves, living and learning by their example. New heroes will rise, as new angels are born. It is our promise and privilege to do nothing less, in their honor, and yours.

Thank you for looking in today.  God bless you and your families and God Bless America on Her Birthday.

~ Donna

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful and so touching, Donna. I hope this helps ease his grief just that little bit more. <3


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