Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BOO! Pumpkin / Kitty Punch Art

Monday night was our team meeting night and this was my Swap.  I've been wanting to post this since I made it a week ago but couldn't until now!   So here it is!

Pumpkin:  Pumpkin Pie card stock - Large Oval Punch (119855) punch five and sponge the edges with Pumpkin Pie ink.  Pumpkin Face:  1 3/8" Circle Punch (119860) cut about 1/3 of it for mouth, snip out "teeth".  1" Square Punch (124094) punching corners only from Basic  Black.

Kitty:  Basic Black card stock - Extra Large Oval Punch (119859), Small Oval (120908) punch two for paws, detail face and paws with uni-ball Signo Gel Pen (105021).  Nose - Pink Pirouette punched from Owl Punch (118074), Eyes - Cupcake Builder Punch (121807) and Owl Punch.  Ears - Bird Builder Punch (117191) - punch two in Basic Black and two in Pink Pirouette.

Leaves:  Old Olive (or any choice of green) Bird Builder Punch.

The BOO was die cut from Typeset Alphabet Bigz (127553).  I cut the exclamation point by hand the dot under the point is from the Owl Builder Punch.

Card base:  Tangerine Tango and Polka Dot Parade DSP (126902).

Thanks for looking in today.  I hope you enjoy making this adorable kitty for Halloween!

~ Donna


  1. O...M...G...that is so stinkin; cute I can't stop staring at it!!! I LOVE this card! Seriously Donna, this is one of your best ever. I have to attempt one of these for Annapie for Halloween for sure. Love, love LOVE it!!!

  2. Isn't it adorable!? I think I'm going to have to make more of them myself. I've even made some to send to the boys and Jen and I don't normally send cards to them, cuz, well, they're boys. Jen will love it though. LOL

    Karen had me make 3 of them for her grands and a friend.

    Super easy if you do it in assembly line fashion at least with doing multiples!

  3. And can I add that this was the SWAP WINNER at our team meeting? There were 20 swappers there and this was voted NUMBER ONE! DONNA IS A ROCK STAR!!!!

  4. Awwww... Thanks Lorri! I have great inspiration with you as our Team Leader! Thank you for welcoming me into the family!

  5. WTG Donna! I always knew she was a winner ;)

  6. Great card Donna! My downline, Georgeann Manning made me that card last year, so cute! I'm not surprised you were the swap winner! Great job! Sounds like you have a very fun group.

  7. Thanks Carrie! You have a great downline! :) We do have a great group. My upline Lorri Heiling is the best!

  8. I love this card so much that I don't want to send it out! So, I'm going to attempt one myself. Don't have the bird builder punch, but I may be able to wing it (ha!) possibly with a flower petal, or just hand cut.

    I have a very dear friend with a black kitten, so she and Freckles will be getting this in the mail (yours, if mine doesn't turn out...lol).

  9. Hey Jackie, we're going to be making this at next Saturday's workshop (September 14th), Kristi is the hostess this month. You're welcome to come join us and use the punch all you'd like.

    We're also going to be making something else really cute!!!


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