Sunday, August 18, 2013

Swap Prep

Saturday was a busy day and oh so much fun!!  

First it was Berta's workshop filled with new projects and beautiful cards to be made along with the tastiest homemade chicken salad on croissants for lunch.  Yum!!

After the workshop Brittney, Linda and I were working on our swaps for next week's Fall Fest we'll be attending.  Jackie also stayed behind and helped and we all enjoyed watching Season 1 - The Big Bang Theory on DVD.  Seems we all LOVE to watch TBBT!

Here are a few pictures.  I just had to share how adorable Brittney's Evil Minion's are.  So Stinkin' Cute!

(Here's the original of my minion made and posted a few weeks ago)

 My swap in progress:

Linda's swap in progress:

Thanks for looking in today.  Have a pleasant Sunday!

~ Donna


  1. Jackie mostly stayed behind and watched! Had a great time.

  2. You were a big help! Brittney kept saying she would never have been able to do it without Linda and you helping!

    It was great having a girls day!

  3. Wish I had been there! LOVE Brittney's evil minions ~ they are cracking me up!


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