Saturday, September 7, 2013

Candy Corn Treat Bags

Last night would normally be our Stamp-a-Stack night, but the majority of the girls had other things to do.  So sad... but wait, it turned out to be a fun night!  Linda planned on coming over anyway to do some experimental stamping and Brittney ended up being able to come as well, so we had a grand time with just the three of us.  Best part was the nice big potatoes hubby put in the toaster oven about an hour before we got home from work so we had awesome baked potatoes for dinner!  Yum!

Here's what we ended up making.  Well, the one thing I'm willing to show.  My other experiment turned out badly, so I'll work on improving it before I share.

These were so cute and SOOO easy to make.  Thank you to Connie Collins for the great idea!

  • Begin with the Mini Muslin Bags from page 36 of the Holiday Catalog (132180).  You'll want to have a piece of solid cardboard or chipboard to slide inside the bag.  We used the heavy backing that comes behind a pack of DSP, perfect recycle for those!  
  • Using painters tape or masking tape, tape off the center of the bag so you have the bottom ready for inking.  Tape off both sides of the bag so you can go all the way around with the ink.
  • Ink up a Sponge Dauber with either Pumpkin Pie or Tangerine Tango and ink up the bottom of the bag.  The bag made by me, Donna, is done with Pumpkin Pie, the other two by Linda and Brittney were made with Tangerine Tango.
  • Remove the painters tape and put a fresh piece of tape over the bottom portion and another piece of tape at the top, then ink the middle with Daffodil Delight.
  • The tags are made with the Perfect Pennants Bigz L die (123126) using Whisper White for the smaller triangle and Pumpkin Pie for the larger one.
  • Stamped images are from Halloween Hello (w-131718 / c-131721) stamped with Black StazOn ink and colored in with Pumpkin Pie and Daffodil Delight Stampin' Write Markers.
Aren't they adorable?  Fill them with Candy Corn and give them to your favorite Goblin this Halloween!

Thank you so much for stopping by today.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend and take some time to stamp!

~ Donna


  1. These little bags are soo cute!

  2. Thanks Mary! I just couldn't resist them when I spotted it yesterday. So cute and so easy to make. A little messy, but all the more fun with Inky Fingers! :)

  3. O...M...G...those are adorable!!! No wonder you were so anxious to get home and play last night! Makes me want to trick or treat at your house this year :)

  4. LOL - no way I'd make those for all the gremlins we get here (sometimes over 100)! Although, Brittney would love to for her neighborhood - the crazy kid! ;)


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