Sunday, October 20, 2013

Holiday Extravaganza 2013

Today was the weSTAMP Holiday Extravaganza put together by my Upline Lorri Heiling.  This was my 2nd year attending this wonderful event and my first year attending as part of the weSTAMP Team!  I'm so grateful for Lorri and being able to be part of her team.

Here is a quick sampling of what we made today.  There's one card missing as it was needed in another packet.  I'll get to make it later. Oh, and there's a banner too... it's already hanging up!  I'll snag a picture of it and post it later.  It came out so very cute!

Thanks for looking in today.  I'll post more information on these later.

Don't forget... only 2 days left to join my team of stampers for the once in a lifetime price of $25.  Click HERE for more details.  I'd love to have you on my team.  Just want the great discount, sign up and have until March 31st to make your first minimum.  Awesome price that ends on Monday, October 21st.

Happy Sunday!

~ Donna


  1. Whoa! That's a whole lotta holiday goodness right there! Looks like you girls had a very fun & productive day!

  2. It was FABULOUS! Not showing is the banner that I have hanging up at home. One person at each table won the stencils to make the banner and I WON! Wooo hooo!


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