Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Carbs, Schmarbs!

Don't you just love the bright colors on this one?  I'm going to need more of this DSP again.  I think I use it more than any other!

The cake is colored with Stampin' Write markers to get some variety in the colors. 

Stamps Well With Others Recipe:

Card Stock:  Gumball Green, Very Vanilla
DSP:  Birthday Basics (130145)
Stamps:  Make a Wish (w-131928 / c-129222), Yippee-Skippee! (w-131341 / c-131344)
Ink:  Gumball Green, Raspberry Ripple
Stampin' Write Markers:  Bermuda Bay, Summer Starfruit, Gumball Green, Raspberry Ripple
Ribbon:  Gumball Green 3/8" Stitched Satin Ribbon (126848)

You can find everything you need to make this card on my website HERE.  If I can help you with anything, please let me know.  You can email me at   

Thank you for looking in today.  

~ Donna


  1. comment posting thingy. Cool!

    Cute card ~ happy, bright & funny!

  2. OH good, does it work easier? Lorri helped me figure it out because she wasn't able to post. I hope this works better for everyone!


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