Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Holiday Extravaganza Gift Box

A very quick post tonight (for tomorrow morning's blog) as I've been up since 3 a.m. and worked until 10 p.m. for our jurisdictional elections.  Thought I'd unwind and be sure to have this ready for morning.

Who wouldn't love to receive a gift presented in this fabulous box from Stampin' Up!  This box is available in the Holiday Catalog on page 37 - item # 132147.  Decorate it with your favorite DSP for Christmas or for a Birthday and you're all set!

This was another one of our awesome projects we made at our Holiday Extravaganza.  I just love it!

Well, before my head hits the keyboard, this gal is going to climb into bed.  

Thank you for looking in today.

~ Donna


  1. That is SO pretty!! Hope you slept like a log.

  2. Oh my goodnes, I'm so tired. And muscles I didn't think I had any more hurt! Waiting for the coffee to kick in... c'mon coffee!


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