Monday, November 18, 2013

My Challenge To You: 100 Cards by Christmas

I have a challenge for you all, if you're willing to accept it! There are so many great causes out there and so many organizations in the world that need our help.  Sadly, funds are a bit scarce these days for many of us, and during this time of year, our budgets are tighter than ever. The need never goes away, however--so how can we help?
Craft the Stash!
It's a no cost way to help others and Craft your Stash at the same time.  We all have supplies around our craft areas that are just waiting to be used.  Scraps of card stock, DSP (Designer Series Papers), embellishments and ribbons that pile up filling boxes and storage containers and taking up valuable work space! I am so guilty of paper scraps that just keep being re-located from one place to another and I'd be willing to bet you probably do, too! Let's put that guilt-inducing stash to work for a good cause, shall we?
So here's the challenge! I'll post periodic reminders, and list the names of the participants in a follow-up post after Christmas. That's it -- no prizes -- just the joy of creativity and the satisfaction of knowing you are making a difference for your chosen organization.
Ready to play? Choose one of these options:
  • choose a charity that is near and dear to your heart that can use cards;
  • or be a part of my own personal 100 Cards By Christmas Challenge, which will benefit Operation Write Home and the Mayo Clinic here in the Phoenix area.  I've been making cards periodically for OWH for a couple of years and just recently found out that the Oncology Department at the Mayo Clinic needs cards as well.  Cards that can cheer up patients and let them know they are special - especially when they are stuck celebrating a birthday in the hospital. My son is an Oncology Nurse there, along with two other women associated with my stamping Team, so I wanted to include them in my challenge as well.
Post a comment below accepting the challenge and:
  • tell us your charity organization choice or commit to join mine by mailing your donated cards to me (email me for address:
  • post a link to your charity if you would like to spread the word about your cause
  • you can do it alone as a personal challenge or go in together with a friend or group if you're concerned about getting 100 cards created/collected by yourself.
  • start by looking through your own stash -- you probably have a few made up that would be suitable for the purpose already!
  • demonstrators can turn appropriate sample swap cards into full cards
  • be sure to provide envelopes, too -- otherwise your donation will be offset by an expense to the charity
  • not sure what kinds of cards would be best?  Contact your charity and ask!
Like I said, my personal goal is to collect 100 cards for Operation Write Home and the Mayo Clinic Oncology Department between now and Christmas. I'm excited about this fun way to do something good for someone else and to reduce my stash of scraps at the same time.  
I hope you have an organization who needs your help and are willing to take on this challenge.
Leave a comment below, and let's get started!

1 comment:

  1. Here is the link to Operation Write Home. They have some guidelines that are crucial to the safety of the Soldiers we are crafting for.


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