Friday, January 31, 2014

Oops, I Did It Wrong!

Have you ever had trouble getting a card design to come together where you liked it?  We have these great ideas and sometimes they just don't gel like they should.  But you keep working on it, moving papers here and there, punch out a heart, a circle, a word but it just isn't happening.

So you say, OK, this is what it's going to be, I'll just have to deal with it later.  Maybe I'll come up with a better idea tomorrow.  Done.

and then....

you open the card, and it won't open.  Ohhhh NOOO!

THIS is a sign you were right, it isn't the card you wanted it to be and THIS proves it!

And that my friends was when I closed it up and said, that's enough for today (which was actually Wednesday) and I headed to bed!  LOL  LOL!

Have you ever had a fun crafting project go terribly wrong?  Share!

Happy Friday!
~ Donna


  1. This has happened to me too...grr...

    1. Oh Mary - good to hear! LOL That makes me feel better. Here's to a good weekend of card crafting!


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