Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sharing Swaps from Team Meeting

I promised to share the other swaps we received at our weSTAMP Team Meeting on Monday.  The first two tied for first place.  They were my two favorites as well - it was really hard to decide who to vote on this week!  

Susanna lives out of state but still participates in our swaps by mailing them to Lorri.  That's amazing to me since I'm usually still thinking of what to make by the time she's mailing them!  

Language of Love - made by Linda Rodenberg

Lorri Heiling (my upline) - features two items from the Sale-a-Bration brochure - Banner Blast and the Banner Punch - you can earn both free.  Each $50 allows you to choose one item from Sale-a-Bration

 I don't know who the next two cards were made by, so ladies, if you check my blog, let me know so I can give you proper credit!

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