Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Robert!

Yesterday was another birthday day for my family.  My "baby" born 28 years ago celebrated his birthday by going out to eat with me.  We went to Olive Garden which was a family favorite growing up.  It was so nice to spend the evening with him catching up.

So, not unlike Billy's birthday from earlier this month, Robert's card is made with Gorgeous Grunge (w-130514 / c-130517) and Yippee-Skippee! (w-131341 / c-131344) using Real Red and Pacific Point.

If you look back at Billy's card from earlier, you'll notice the same colors but with having a Blue base and Robert a Red one.  For as long as I can remember (28 years), the boys have received similar things since they have birthday's so close together and when they were little, the easiest way to tell one from the other was with color, so Billy would receive Blue (B for Blue and Billy) and Robert would receive Red (R for Red and Robert).  It's worked all these years, no reason not continue. 

Thanks for looking in today.  Happy Hump Day!  (I just love this camel!)

~ Donna

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