Sunday, March 16, 2014

Card in a Box Workshop

These great little cards are all over the internet now and I have to admit, I'm really hooked on making them!  Soooo much fun!

Our workshop on Saturday also included these little treasures.  Once you've made one, they are so easy to make, you just make more and more and more!  Well, at least I'm addicted to them.  

Here is Linda's version made at the workshop.  Notice the bowl of candy, good crafters always have chocolate on the table, right?

Here is Berta's.  I see she took the bows on the DSP a step further by using the bow from the Create a Cupcake stamp set.

Here's one I made using flowers instead of balloons and cupcakes.  I stamped from Flower Shop (w-130939 / c-130942) and punched with Pansy Punch (130698).  You can bundle stamps and punch together with the Flower Shop Bundle (w-132727 / c-132726) using Tangerine Tango onto papers from Watercolor Wonder DSP.

Brittney made hers using Flower Shop and Petite Petals (w-133152 / c-133155) or bundled with Petite Petals Punch (w-134821 / c-134822).  I really love the colors she used and the way she did the "rock and roll" technique to color the flowers.  

Thank you for looking in today.  May you have a Blessed Sunday.

~ Donna

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