Sunday, March 23, 2014

No Trouble With Tribbles

Do you ever see a stamp set and think, "it's cute, but I doubt I'll put it on my list"?  BUT then... someone comes along and does something ADORABLE with it (thank you Lorri Heiling!).  When I saw her card on her blog last week, my weak resolve went away and it was on my next order.

The set in question is Simple Stems and if you turn one of the flowers upside down, this is what you get!

Here is my first one, made with leftover Googlie Eyes from last year.  There are some still available on the Clearance Rack in the Ghoulish Googlies Designer Printed Kit. 

I added legs and feet with my Basic Black Stampin' Write Marker.  Aren't they adorable??

Inside I used a stamp from Yippee-Skippee:

Since I ran out of Googlie Eyes I decided to figure out something else.  I actually think I like these better, tell me what you think.

I took the Basic Pearls and colored the biggest one in the pack black with a black Sharpie marker.  Be sure to let them dry completely so they stay nice and shiny.  I then took the tiniest pearl and put it on top for an eyeball.  Thinking now... I guess I could have left the big one white and colored the tiny one black for a pupil.  Funny how things come to my brain at the oddest times!  ha ha!

Here is a closer view of the eyes.  Hopefully you can see them more clearly this way.

Inside I just used the tiny pearl in black for the "one in a million".

Here we go again turning the card sideways.  I just LOVE these little guys!

To purchase anything needed to make these adorable cards, just click below and you will be in my store.  If you have any questions or need help making these great little guys, just let me know!

Thanks for looking in today.

~ Donna

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