Saturday, June 28, 2014

Proper Fireworks

So, apparently my headache from Thursday was still in control of my brain when I made the "Fireworks Cards" made with the Too Kind stamp set.  When I took them into the office to show my co-workers I realized something wasn't right and then it was pointed out they would have looked better if I had turned the "flowers" upside down to look more like fireworks.

Duhhhh... that's what was wrong!  LOL  I knew I had seen the idea online, but didn't have one to go by and was doing it from memory... memory with a headache.  Bad idea.

So, here is the proper way to stamp these to make them look like fireworks.

Much better, don't you think?  Yeah, me too!  If you missed the other post, you can see it HERE.

So, off to bed before posting this for Saturday.  Maybe my brain will be clearer then for better stamping!

Thanks for looking in!  I appreciate any and all comments!

~ Donna

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