Monday, July 28, 2014

Little Green Men

Have you seen Toy Story?  If you have kids, I'm sure you have.  Our kids are grown, but we've seen it and still love it!  So, when I saw this little parachuting soldier in the Boys Will Be Boys stamp set, I immediately thought of Toy Story! 

I used Always Artichoke and Crumb Cake along with Gorgeous Grunge to make a spotted background.  Gorgeous Grunge is just so useful on so many levels!

I hate to admit it, but I didn't have any Always Artichoke card stock!  I know, shock right???  SO, that will be on my shopping list for my next order.  Instead, I used Old Olive which actually doesn't look too bad in real life, but in the picture really looks more like our retired Gumball Green!

Do you have some little boys that will love this?  I'll bet you do!  Click on any item below to be parachuted into my store!  Happy Shopping!

~ Donna


  1. Great idea! Love the card-Gorgeous Grunge is such a versatile set.

    1. Hi Jennie! Thank you for stopping by my post!

      Gorgeous Grunge is a very versatile set! I just used it again for Wednesday's posting! Be sure to come back and take a look!



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