Saturday, July 26, 2014

Yippee Skippee - Happy Time!

Yippee Skippee, the weekend is here!  I do love the weekend, especially if it is going to involve Stamping!  Our Team Meeting is Monday night, so this weekend I'm working on my swaps for the meeting. 

Until then, here is a cute card I CASE'd from Susan Itell - thanks Susan for the great idea!  I did change the size from a square card to a standard size 5 1/2" x 4 1/4" but the colors and the "design" are from Susan.

I love this card - it's so bright and pretty and just jumps right out at you, don't you think?

I even decorated the envelope with Yippee-Skippee!  Always fun to have a special stamp on the outside.
Click on any item below to go to my store and shop, shop, shop!!  :)
Happy Saturday!

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