Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31st -Big Shot Bundle Deadline!

For those of you that have been thinking about the Big Shot Promotion - don't think any longer!  Today is the last day to place that order and get some amazing deals.

So I decided to pop in one more time to remind you that today is the last day of August’s amazing Big Shot promotion – where you can earn one of select bundles for FREE when you buy a Big Shot.  BUT…

You don’t have to buy a Big Shot to take advantage of this amazing promotion.  If you already have a  Big Shot, you can purchase any of these bundles at 15% off.  You love these products and love them even more so with amazing bundles!  So I'm pretty sure this promotion is calling your name. 

Here are the options (click on the picture below to shop the options in my online store):
choices for discounted bundles on BS promotion

These are great deals – earn them free when you buy a Big Shot OR purchase them at 15% off.  Woo hoo!  It’s a great time to throw in a few Holiday Catalog items.

Thank you for stopping by today!

Have a Blessed Sunday!

~ Donna

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