Sunday, August 3, 2014

Bloom With Hope

It seems like every time I look at a set of stamps on my shelf or on my wish list, I first think about how I can use my Blendabilities on it!  And now, you can too.  All the Blendabilities pens are available for everyone!  Click here to shop now and see all the beautiful colors!

This is one of my newest favorites - Bloom with Hope.  This is a Hostess Set, but I can help you earn it for your very own!  Contact me to find out how.

Isn't this pretty with the Rich Razzleberry and Coastal Cabana Blendabilities?  I stamped on Very Vanilla with Momento Ink and colored the leaves with Old Olive Blendies.  The mat behind the Very Vanilla is Basic Black.  I like the way it makes the colors pop off the Very Vanilla.  The base card is Rich Razzleberry.

For this one the base is Pistachio Pudding and I began with coloring the purple flower with the Wisteria Wonder Blendies but I thought it was too dark, so I took the lightest shade from Coastal Cabana and added a little coloring on some of the Wisteria Wonder - I like the new color it made.  What do you think?

Thank you for looking in today.  I hope you have a Blessed Sunday.  Make it a beautiful day!
~ Donna


  1. Beautiful cards, Donna. You really do a great job with the blendies :)

  2. I agree. So very lovely!

  3. Thank you ladies! It is so nice to see feedback!

    The Blendies are so much fun to color with!


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